A Letter to the Future

As humans, we have the capacity to think ahead and think back.
As I write to the Future cha, I felt really nervous... I will be receiving my letter to my future self on Januray 29, 2016. Yup! That will be my 30th birthday. (waaw! how scary that seems to be from now). There are so many things I want to tell Cha at 30... Thus the incoherency of my letter... I jump from one idea to the other...
Well, I just hope that when I do receive it, I will be at a very good mood as I turn 30. Why did I choose that??? Because at the big three-O, people are at a crossroad. People mostly try hanging on to what was left of their youth (as they face a scary "old" life) and slowly accepting that they are now in a different ball game.
As humans, we have the capacity to think ahead and think back. ~I am sending a letter to the future cha... and by the time I received it, I will be looking back to the day I wrote it.
*If you want to try, just click http://futureme.org
Happy writing to your future self!!!


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